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God's Call to Honor His Appointed Times Through My Testimony.

As Joseph said in Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” In 2020 when the world was locked down and I like many felt hidden away, God began to bring me out, resurrecting my story and calling me to get it ready. It was then officially submitted for publication the following summer and somehow deep in my heart I just knew that my first official copy would arrive on the Feast of Trumpets, and sure enough it did.


On the Feast of Trumpets in 2021 I held my first copy and took pictures of it next to my shofar. I did so because I knew that this was not by accident, for God had woven a message through my testimony about preparing His Bride for Christ’s return someday on the clouds. . . 

Learn more about God's Appointed times at

Biblical Feasts

*Hanukkah and Purim are festivals and not part of the biblical feasts laid out by God in Leviticus but are a lot of fun to celebrate!

Shofar and other Rosh Hashanah holiday attributes on white wooden table.jpg

Feast of trumpets

rosh hashanah

*Jewish New Year

*We like to blow a shofar

*Traditionally eat apple and honey or desserts

*One day the trumpet will sound and those of us who are believers in Jesus will rise to meet Him in the air (1 Corinthians 15:52)

*Begin the 10-day period known as the days of Awe leading up to the Day of Atonement.

Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur

*A time to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for our atonement.

*Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial covenant.

*Traditionally a 24-hour fast. Break the fast at sunset.

*Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life! (Revelation 20:12, 15)

Traditional Atonement Day,worship with Holy Book and a candle on black background.Close up
Hanging DIY Decorations
Religious Festival Symbols

Feast of Tabernacles


*God tabernacle with His people in the wilderness and Jesus will tabernacle with us when He returns. *We spend time outside in booths or tents. *Celebration lasts for eight days.

*It is a fun family time and a great excuse to go camping! 

*Leviticus 23:34-44.

*Focus on the Lord.

Hannukah at Home

feast of dedication


*Festival of Lights celebrates an ancient miracle where God preserved the Jews.

*Gift giving and celebrating for eight days.

*Can be found in John 10:22-23.

*God preserved a righteous line for Jesus to come into the world.

Hannukah at Home
Jewish holiday Purim concept with hamantaschen cookies or hamans ears and carnival mask .j


Casting of the lot

*Celebration of what God used Esther to do in saving His people.

*Typically read the Book of Esther.

*Boo every time Haman is mentioned.

*We make an eat hamantaschen cookies.

*Dress up like queen Esther or Mordecai.


*It is a Feast of Redemption.

*Celebrate a Passover Seder (meal) which celebrates Jesus as our Passover Lamb who takes away our sins! (John 1:29) 

*Death will pass over us as the Israelites were passed over in ancient Egypt because of the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of their houses. (Exodus 12:1-30, Leviticus 23:5.)

*Jesus' blood is on the doorposts of our hearts.

*This celebration resembles a wedding feast, a true rehearsal for things to come.

Unleavened Bread

feast of unleavened bread

*We eat Matzah (unleavened bread) for a week representing the cleansing of sin.

*We remove all leavening (yeast) from our homes which represents sin, and we also remember Jesus was sinless.

*We like to make matzah pizza. It’s delicious!

*Exodus 13:3-16

first fruits

*Jesus was the first born from among the dead, the first fruit! (Resurrection) 

*We like to give a special offering to someone we know that is in need at this time.

*1 Corinthians 15:20

Fruits and Nuts
Wheat Field

Feast of weeks


*Celebrate the giving of the Law.

*Celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit.

*Typically read the Book of Ruth.

*Countdown from First Fruits to Pentecost is 50 days, thus the name.

*Ephesians 1:13

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